
Begin by logging into your Shop Manager by Identifix account.

Account Settings

Now, configure your basic Account Settings by navigating to the User Icon → Account Settings page:


The "Account Info" section is where you will set the account ownership, the business name, and set basic feature options.

Choose the "Transparency" option and set what the customer can see when they view their shared RO. The default settings are most typical, however you can adjust these to your liking.


This is the basic configuration you need for now for "Account Settings". Later you can return to this page to setup your labels, statuses, and categories.

Shop Settings

Now let's navigate to Shop Settings. Click User Icon → Shop Settings


Configure Shop Settings next. These are the basic items you should set up to get started:

a. Shop Info
b. Setup Tax Rates
c. Setup Labor Rates
d. Setup Shop Supplies
e. Review Terms of Service
f. Enable Carfax, Solera Direct-Hit, or Mitchell

*Note: Terms of Service are pre-set. You can edit if you wish, be advised that #4 and #5 are important for electronic payment/signature.

a. Shop Info

This tab is where you setup your shop's contact information. You can upload a branding image here as well. The settings available here will depend on your subscription to Shop Manager by Identifix.

b. Tax Rates

To configure your Tax Rates, from the Shop Settings page select the RO Info tab. Click the blue text on each tax setting to make the appropriate entries for your business jurisdiction.

c. Labor Rates

You can configure as many Labor Rates as you'd like. Labor rates are applied to RO's and can also be applied to services on an RO. As an example the overall RO may use your standard labor rate but a particular service on the RO may be set to a different labor rate. 

To configure labor rates, scroll down the page while on the RO Info tab. You can add and delete labor rates from here.

d. Shop Supplies

Shop Supplies add a generic fee to all RO's based on a percentage of dollars. You can leave this blank or you can set a percentage that will be applied to the labor dollars along with setting a cap. For example you may want to charge 10% to all labor dollars but cap it at $29.99.

On the RO Info tab, scroll down to the Shop Supplies section and adjust as appropriate for your business by clicking on the blue text and making adjustments.

*Note: Shop Supplies are taxed at the same rate as Parts.


e. Terms of Service

Scroll down the RO Info tab to adjust your Terms of Service, there is a defaulted value there for you that you may edit. 

The items on #4 and #5 of to ToS are important for electronic signature approvals and payment. We recommend you leave those as is. You can click anywhere on the blue text to make edits.

*Note - Special Requirements:

  • If you're in Florida be sure to choose the 12 point font option.
  • If you need to add a manager’s signature to the TOS, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the Add Signature button. Then, add the tag “_SIG_” to the TOS where you want the signature to appear.

f. Carfax, Solera Direct-Hit, and Mitchell

Carfax enables you to decode VIN#'s using the vehicle's plate. By enabling this you do share anonymous data with Carfax (just vehicle information; no customer details). To setup Carfax navigate to the User Icon → Shop Settings → Partner Services. Click 'Activate' and follow the prompts. 

4. eCommerce for Parts Ordering

Parts ordering is super easy. You can configure the system to order from your vendors using PartsTech, WHI Nexpart, Parts Authority, MyPlaceForParts, or WorldPac SpeedDial (recommended option if ordering through WorldPac).