Billed hours are entered and edited on individual services as a part of estimating. They do not depend on any employee actions or tracking.


Shift Clocks

Shift Clocks track when employees show up for work and when they go home. Staff clock in and out from the navigation bar via the User Icon.

  1. From the User Icon, click “Clock In” or “Clock Out”
  2. When you’re clocked out, the icon is dark blue
  3. When you’re clocked in, the icon is light blue
  4. Total clocks end up on the Payroll page and on each employee specific Shift Clocks page


Service Clocks

Service Clocks track how long it takes for a technician to complete a service. They are only available to techs. To enable a service clock:

  1. Account Settings → Account Info tab (landing) → Feature Options → “Enable Technician service clocks”


Once enabled, technicians can clock into individual services on in progress Work Orders:

  1. Click checkbox next to service title to “Start Job”, “Finish Job”, “Pause Job” or “Restart Job”
  2. Checkbox gets a green play icon when tech is clocked onto a service
  3. Checkbox gets pink pause when tech is paused
  4. Checkbox gets checkmark when service is finished


Total clocks end up in “View Clocks” modal

  • Click Wrench Icon on Service → “View Clocks”


Technician Reports page

Shift Clocks and Service Clocks are reported on the Technician Report page:

  1. Reports → Technician Report
  2. Efficiency is the relationship between Billed Hours and Service Clocks. This only includes Invoices (closed ROs).
  3. Productivity is the relationship between Service Clocks and Shift Clocks. This includes any clocks in the date range, on open or closed ROs.

Billed Hours

Time billed to the customer. Billed hours are entered and edited on individual services as a part of estimating. They do not depend on any employee actions or tracking.

Shift Clocks

Shift Clocks track when employees show up for work and when they go home.


Clocking In and Out

User Icon → Clock In



Once you have clocked in, it will turn blue.



User Icon→ Clock Out



Once you have clocked out, it will turn black.



The totals from all staff shift clocks end up on the Payroll page. From the nav bar, click on Reports.



Select the Payroll tab from the Reports page to view the hours/totals for each employee.



Service Clocks

Track how long it takes for a technician to complete a service.

Enable Technician Service Clocks

Account Settings --> Account Info --> Enable Technician Service Clocks

Note: Service clocks are only available to techs. 

Keeping Track of Service Hours

To keep track of the service hours, click checkbox next to service title to Start Job, Pause Job, Finish Job, or Restart Job.


White Box with No Icon

Click on empty checkbox to Start Job.



Green Play Icon

When tech is clocked into a service and doing the work.



Pink Pause Icon
When tech is paused on a job.



Option to Restart Job

When technician is ready to continue their paused work.


Checkmark Icon
Service is finished.



Service Clock Totals

You can find the totals for the clocks in “View Clocks” modal by clicking the vertical ellipses at the lower right corner of a service package and selecting View Clocks.

*Note: If no work has been done on the vehicle yet, the View Clocks button will not be there.

You can also view a summary of the entire job, by clicking Wrench Icon → Time Summary  at the top of any work order page.

Technician Reports Page


Click on the Reports Icon from the nav bar.


Click on the Technician Report tab.




Efficiency is the relationship between Billed Hours and Service Clocks. It only includes Invoices (closed ROs).  It reports how well a technician completed the billed work in the given billed time.



In the table shown, the technician named Marlon billed 16.02 hours on Closed Jobs (Invoices), and he clocked 9.89 hours on the services on those Invoices. Therefore his efficiency was 161.98%.



Productivity is the relationship between Service Clocks and Shift Clocks. It includes any clocks in the date range, on open or closed ROs.  It reports how well a technician stayed busy fixing cars given the amount of time he was available to do so.



In the table shown, the technician named Doug clocked 28.5 hours on Closed Jobs (Invoices) and he clocked 2.28 hours on Open Jobs (in progress Work Orders). He was clocked into work (his shift clocks) for 41.51 hours during the days in the date range. Therefore his productivity was 74.15%. The time he wasn’t clocked into services (working on cars) was 10.73 hours, shown and totaled under Expense (often called “E time”).