What are Labels?

Labels are color-coded tags that you can apply to ROs. These can be used to bring attention to special needs or issues. A common example is a new customer. To alert staff to these, simply create a label "New Customer", and apply it to the RO when creating the estimate. The label is visible anywhere the RO is listed.

For example, here it is on the My Jobs tab:

...on the Workflow tab:

...on the Open Jobs tab:

... on the Close Jobs tab:

... and on an RO:


Creating Labels

To create new labels, go to Account Settings → Labels

There, simply type in the name for your new label, and click the button. Next, select a color using the palette and hue slider. (The palette shown has been simplified for the sake of GIF file size.).


Applying labels

To apply a label to an RO, simply click on the label, and select from the dropdown.