The Shop Manager by Identifix Labor Matrix is a feature a shop may utilize in order to better control maximum profitability on more labor intensive jobs.
The labor matrix will allow shops to automatically increase their labor rate in a stepped fashion as the labor hours increase.
How to Set Up
To set up your shop’s labor matrix, you will navigate to your Shop Settings > RO Info > scroll down until you see the ‘Labor Matrix’ section.
From here you may set up as many rows within the table as you want, inputting the appropriate value of end hours and a multiplier per row.
Below is an example of what the labor matrix table can look like when filled out:
How it Works
Once you have a labor matrix set, it will currently apply to all labor rates. Coming soon is the ability to exclude specific labor rates and customer labor rates from using the matrix.
You will know that the labor matrix is being used by seeing a ‘Matrix Rate’ under the labor lines for a particular service, as shown in the example below.
Note: If you choose to modify the rate or total labor cost in the service, it will not apply the Labor Matrix anymore as you’ve chosen a specific labor cost.