
Shop Manager by Identifix has a feature that allows you to capture and track user information when approving recommendations, whether in person, by phone, or by email. This enhancement ensures that you can easily document how and when authorizations occur, adding an extra layer of accountability and transparency to your processes.

  • In-Person Approvals
    • When you receive approval from a customer in person, you now have the ability to collect their signature directly. This provides a tangible record of their consent and helps to ensure that all parties are on the same page.

  • Phone or Email Approvals
    • For approvals obtained by phone or email, you can now track the contact information used for authorization. Simply record the email address or phone number from which the approval was received. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining a clear trail of communication and authorization.

This feature is opt in and you will have to enable it in your Shop Settings under RO Info. Continue reading below to learn more. 

Recommendation Approvals Setting

To opt in to the feature to capture recommendation approvals, navigate to Shop Settings > RO Info > Scroll until you see "Recommendation Approvals" then toggle one or both of the options, as shown below:


The setting above is turned off by default. If the Recommendation Approvals setting is enabled, then information modals will appear requesting that additional information; in the event a staff member is approving on the behalf of a customer.

NOTE: all information shown in the modals for approval are pulled directly from the customer’s profile. 


Modal for ‘Approved in Person’

When selecting to approve in person, you will be presented with a dropdown menu to choose which contact is approving the Estimate, along with a signature box to capture this contact’s signature for approval.


Modal for ‘Approved by Phone’

When approving an Estimate by phone, a dropdown is presented to choose the contact who is approving the Estimate as well as a dropdown to choose the phone number of the contact making the approval. 

If the contact’s name and/or phone number does not appear, please add the information under the customer profile directly, then come back to the RO to complete the approval. 


Where to Find the Recommendation Approvals

The Recommendation Approvals are documented within an "Authorization Summary" section of the Repair Order (RO). By default, this summary is not included in printed or PDF versions of the RO or invoice but can be added if desired.

How to Include the Authorization Summary

To view and include the Recommendation Approvals in your RO:

  1. When performing the actions to either print or save the RO as a PDF, you will see an option labeled "Authorization Summary."
  2. To include the Authorization Summary, simply select this checkbox. This will add the list of approvals to the end of the printed or PDF version of the RO.

Below is an example of what the authorization summary looks like:

If further assistance is needed for recommendation approvals, please contact support. 


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