Add a New Customer


Table of Contents:

  1. How to Add a Customer
  2. Individual Customer
  3. Fleet Customer


How to Add a Customer:

There are two ways to add a customer: through the 'Customers' tab or while creating a new estimate.

Within Shop Manager go to Customers → + New Customer



Go to the 'Estimates' tab > create a new estimate > then create a new customer profile within the Estimate like below:

When adding a customer, the form looks the same no matter how you choose to add a customer either via the Customers tab or through a new Estimate. There is not much information actually required, but it is recommended to at least record customer name, email address, and preferred phone number.

Note: There is a setting to enable a field for 'gender' within the individual customer profile. You can enable this field by going to Shop Settings > Marketing > Customer Settings; as shown below.

Individual Customer:

While in the new customer pop up modal, there are two options to choose from:
Individual Customer - Fleet Customer


An individual customer is a single customer profile. This is the most used option for shops to choose from, unless they have fleet customers, then the fleet customer type would be chosen.

Fleet Customer:

Fleet customer type is a newer addition to the program. This was due to a popular request from our clients to begin a way to incorporate fleet customers with individual customers. 

This area will being improved upon as it is currently still in the beginning stages. We fully plan to expand our Fleet feature to better allow shops to track and manage their fleet customers.
