“Fleet” as a Customer Type

Table of Contents:

  1. Summary

  2. Creating a Fleet Customer

  3. Converting an existing “Individual customer” into a Fleet customer

  4. How the Data Converts if an Existing Customer is Updated

  5. Migrating a Fleet Customer to an Individual Customer

  6. Fleet Customers & Duplicate Emails

  7. Billing & Driver Contact Selection

  8. Search for Fleet Customers

  9. Filter by Fleet Customers in Reports

  10. Fleet Purchase Orders


When you add a new customer, or update an existing one, an option, “Fleet Customer” has been added. This is so that fleet customers can be distinguished from regular customers.

In addition, it will be possible to manage multiple contacts within a “Fleet”, such as the Manager, Driver, Billing, Receptionist, etc

Creating a Fleet Customer

  1. Navigate to the “Customers” tab

  2. Create a New Customer

  3. Switch from Individual to Fleet

  4. Fill out the requested information


Converting an existing “Individual customer” into a Fleet customer:

  1. Go to the customer profile in question

  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the name to edit

  3. Switch from Individual to Fleet by selecting that option

  4. Update the requested information

How the Data Converts if an Existing Customer is Updated

  • First+Last Name → Business Name

  • Contact Email → Business Contact Email

  • Address → Address

  • If the contact had multiple phone numbers, these will be preserved onto the fleet customer

  • All vehicles and account settings will be transferred


Migrating a Fleet Customer to an Individual Customer

Yes.  This may be a useful feature to you if the customer was created using the wrong type (e.g. Fleet instead of Individual) or if a data migration got it wrong:

How data will convert:

  • Business Name → Last Name

  • Business Contact Email → Contact email

  • Address → Address

  • All vehicles and account settings will be transferred

  • If there are multiple contacts on the fleet, these will not transfer over since individual customers does not have this feature


Fleet Customers and Duplicate Emails

Fleet customers can have duplicate emails by the multiple contact feature for one fleet customer.

Billing & Driver Contact Selection 

We have added the ability to specify the driver and billing contact within the Fleet customer record.

This feature aims to help our customers who provide Fleet services by introducing additional fields that help manage the financial and billing contacts for invoicing and reporting. This is distinct from the drivers who bring the vehicles in for service.

Searching for Fleet Customers

Currently you can search for your Fleet customers by going to the customer listing page and entering in their Business Name.


Filtering by Fleet Customers in Reports

Yes. At this time, the Accounts Receivable (AR) report can be filtered by Individual, Fleet, or both. 

Fleet Purchase Orders

Shops can associate a Repair Order with the Purchase Order number.

Normally when shops serve Fleet customers, they need to manage a purchase order number within their internal systems to record orders for repairs to each of their cars.

By having the ability to associate a Repair Order number with the Purchase Order Number, it allows a shop to facilitate its location and internal identification when sharing Repair Orders with Fleet Customers via PDF and the customer share view.