In order to send and receive text messages within Messenger, businesses must register their location and contact information to adhere to A2P10DLC compliance.

Q: How do I register my business?

  1. Click on your initials, and go to Shop Settings.
  2. There, click on the blue Register Now button.
  3. A modal will open, allowing you to fill in the business address and contact information.
    1. The Business/EIN number should be in the following format: xx-xxxxxxx
  4. Click the Register button.
  5. You may now close the modal. 

Please Note: Approval can take up to 5-7 business days to show on your account.

Q: What are the requirements for a successful registration?

  • For a U.S. shop - when entering in the EIN, the format should be 9 digits long with a dash (-) after the first two digits. ex: 12-3465789
    • Registration needs to exactly match your EIN/Tax filing document
  • For a Canadian shop - a Business Number (BN) is needed
  • Have a website populated in the format of
    • This field CANNOT be blank.
  • ALL fields in the registration form must be filled out for successful registration.

Keep Reading to Learn More

Q: What is A2P10DLC?
A: A2P10DLC refers to a system in the United States that allows businesses to send Application-To-Person messaging using standard 10-digit long code phone numbers.

Q: Why should I register?
A: By registering your business the A2P10DLC system provides better delivery quality and lower filtering risk than than long code SMS of the past, using the same phone numbers. 

  • Users are assigned a trust score
  • Validated users enjoy higher throughput, and less spam filtering
  • Reduced spam and unsolicited marketing texts by blocking "bad apple" businesses

Q: What if I do not have an EIN number for my business?
A: In September 2022 our messaging provider, Twilio, announced that they were ending the sole proprietorship offering and will be requiring an EIN for business validation based on industry and mobile carrier demands (A2P10DLC).

  • As of November 2022, Twilio does not currently offer a way to register custom numbers that is not an EIN (e.g., SSN). We recommend you navigate to for more information on how you can obtain an EIN.
  • Your type of business may not be required to attain an EIN, but you may need an EIN for dealing with other businesses, including banks, that require an EIN to set up business accounts.The IRS will give you an EIN even if you don't need it for IRS purposes. 

Q: Why am I being asked to do this now?
A: Our texting provider Twilio requires all accounts to be registered for compliance with new government regulations. Currently, the deadline for registration of existing accounts is March 1st, 2022.

Q: Where do I register?
A: You can register within your Shop Settings in Shop Manager.

Q: How long will it take to register?
A: Approval can take up to 5-7 business days to show on your account. If you happen to be rejected, this will usually appear within a few hours of registration.

Q: What happens if the registration doesn’t work for some reason?
A: If the registration fails for any reason, please reach out to Shop Manager support. We will attempt to remedy the situation, and contact you for details as needed.

Q: I have more than one location. Which address should I use?
A: Each texting number should be registered with a unique location. Shop Manager requires registering the address of the shop, rather than your corporate address.