The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of recommendations after they have been published to the Repair Order (RO). Once a recommendation is published, users can perform several actions, including setting the urgency, reordering recommendations, previewing recommendation totals, and editing recommendations.

Continue reading to explore each of these actions and their functionalities in detail.

See Also:

How Do I Create a Recommendation?
How Can a Customer Respond to a Recommendation?

Setting Urgency

To effectively communicate the urgency of service recommendations to customers, you can assign a color-coded urgency level within the RO. By default, recommendations are color-coded 'white' to indicate that the urgency level is 'not set.' There are three additional urgency levels available for selection:

  • Red - High Urgency
  • Yellow -  Medium Urgency
  • Green - Low Urgency

NOTE: you must be in ‘Edit Mode’ to be able to set the urgency of a recommendation.

To set the urgency on a recommendation, click on the circle icon directly to the left of the recommendation title, then choose from one of the 4 options, shown below: 

Reordering Recommendations

Recommendations will be sorted by the date of creation by default. However, you have the flexibility to reorder the recommendations on the RO according to your preferences. Currently, you can sort by date of creation, custom order, or urgency level. Refer to image below:

NOTE: you must be in ‘Edit Mode’ to be able to reorder recommendations.

To manually reorder recommendations, click and drag the double-arrow icon located in the second column to the desired position in the list. After reordering, the 'sort by' option will automatically update to 'Custom.'

Previewing Recommendation Totals

Within the Recommendations section of the RO, you will be able to see the ‘rollup’ of total hours and sales (excluding tax) of all the recommendations in the list. This information is location in the top right corner of this section, see below:

To view totals for specific recommendations rather than all, you can select the desired recommendations by checking the box on the far left of each recommendation line. This will add the selected recommendations to a separate 'Selection' list for preview, as shown below:

The ‘Totals’ section shows the ‘out the door’ price for the selected recommendations. You will have a breakdown of the cost of just the recommendations out the door, the current total for the RO, and the new total if you approve all of these recommendations.

This 'Selection' list that contains the chosen recommendations, will also allow you to choose an action to apply to just those recommendations from the list, such as:

  • Approve
  • Add to RO
  • Reset to Pending
  • Decline
  • Mark as Done
  • Postpone

In order for a certain action to appear, each selected recommendation must be able to perform the action.

Editing Recommendations

Occasionally, a recommendation may need to be edited. To do this, click directly on the blue recommendation title text. This will open a preview of the recommendation. From here, select the 'Actions' button in the upper right of the preview modal, then choose 'Edit.' You can also save the recommendation as a canned job from this menu.

Please refer to images below on how to edit recommendations:

When the Edit Recommendation modal appears, make any adjustments as needed then simply 'Close' the modal. All changes are auto-saved and updated.

Also note that if there are parts listed on the recommendation, you can select the 'Parts' button and view the parts summary modal.

If further information or assistance is needed with recommendations, please 
contact support.