This Week’s Release Includes the Following Enhancements:

  1. Control Who Can Publish Findings
  2. Option to Not Print Pictures from PDF
  3. Save Search Results When Navigation Between Jobs in the Cannery
  4. Warning When Odometer Out is Less than Odometer In

Details for Each are Below:

Control Who Can Publish Findings

Decide which users are allowed to publish notes. By setting their permissions to “Save as a draft only,” they will only be able to save drafts of notes. This will help your shop ensure that notes are only published to the customer when they are ready. You can use this to ensure that your notes have been reviewed and any recommended services have been added before publishing to the customer. 



For more information on permissions, click here.

Option to Not Print Pictures from PDF

When printing an RO, you will now have the option to remove images from the printout in the case you do not want/need these on the document but you do want the technician notes to print. This setting can be found on the Print RO dialog.


For more information on printing/saving the RO, click here.

Save Search Results When Navigation Between Jobs in the Cannery

Within the Cannery, anytime you search or filter and then click into a specific job, those search and/or filter settings will now be saved when you return from the job back to the Cannery page. This will save time for people editing many jobs at once.

Warning When Odometer Out is Less than Odometer In

In order to help prevent human errors, you will now see a yellow warning whenever the Odometer In number is less than or equal to the Odometer In number.


Bug Fixes Since the Last Release:

  • Fixed an issue where the text of a note was being accidentally cleared when more than one image was added to a note.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Need to Order” quick filter on the Inventory page was not displaying some parts that did have a needed status
  • Fixed an issue where the publish/draft button was appearing disabled and users could not click the button when the user was adding a recommendation to a note without any note text.

*Coming Soon*

Labor Matrix

The labor matrix will allow shops to automatically increase their labor rate in a stepped fashion as the labor hours increase.

Tax Removed from Closed Sales Total

After much feedback, we will be removing tax from the Closed Sales total on the Invoices report so shops can quickly view this total as their revenue number