When deciding each staff member’s permissions, it’s helpful to think about the staff’s responsibilities and everyday duties. This will help you determine what level of access to assign each staff member.

  • Less Access
    Staff with less access are those with the least amount of responsibility who only need to utilize the most basic functions of the software. They should be given enough access to do their job, but could be restricted from seeing higher level options and modifying others’ work.
  • More Access
    Staff with more access have more responsibility in the shop. This level of access will allow the user to do their job and monitor what others are doing in the shop. They will be able to edit others’ work and view/edit more sensitive financial information.


Owner Default
Whoever sets up the Shop Manager account is automatically granted the most access. 

New Staff Default
When a new user is created, their permissions settings default to the least amount of access.


Navigating to Staff Permissions

**Note that viewing and altering staff permissions is determined by the account owner.

To change a staff member’s permissions, you will navigate to Shop Settings > Staff > Select the Staff Member > Choose the ‘Permissions’ Tab; as illustrated below.



Current Staff Permissions Available


From the nav bar, (user) can access:

  • "My Jobs" Page Only
  • All Branches Except Settings
    • Note: Reports branch can be toggled via Reports permissions (below).
  • Anywhere (Including View/Edit of Settings)
  • For Multi-Shop Organizations only (user) can access:
    • Assigned Shop Only
    • All Shops

Repair Orders

How can (user) modify a repair order?

  • Modify existing service info only (toolbar hidden)
  • Toolbar access: create, edit, delete; parts details and ordering; customer share; close job
  • Toolbar access, but cannot change Parts and Labor information
  • Everything in the regular toolbar, plus the ability to edit an assigned Advisor
  • Everything in regular toolbar, edit assigned Advisors, plus the ability to reopen an Invoice



How can (user) edit parts?

  • View parts but not edit costs or inventory quantities
  • Edit all parts information
  • Edit all parts information and Optimizer settings


Notes Feed

How can (user) post to a repair order?

  • Write and edit their own notes
  • Write and edit their own notes, and edit the notes of others with equal or lower permission
  • Write and edit notes that cannot be edited by others with lower permission; edit all others' notes

Can (user) publish notes to the customer?

  • Save as draft only
  • Save as draft and publish



How can (user) interact with customers on messenger?

  • Reader
    • This is best for people who do not normally communicate with customers directly.
    • They can read channels on ROs they can access.
    • They will only be able to post messages to customers after they have been invited as members into a channel.
  • Moderator
    • A moderator can read and post messages to any channel they can access.
    • They will be set up as members to RO channels if they are the Advisor on the RO and receive notifications.
    • They can invite (and remove) readers to participate as needed.
    • They can also be assigned as the default channel member for the shop.
  • Admin
    • Admins have all the permissions of moderators.
    • They automatically see all channels in the shop in their Messenger panel.

Financial Data

How much financial information should (user) see?

  • No Repair Order Pricing
    • Note: This will hide prices on repair orders
    • Other Navigation and Repair Orders settings must be chosen separately.
  • No repair order pricing; technician can see billed hours
    • Note: if user is a technician, they can see the subtotal of billed hours on each service.
  • Prices but not financial performance (gross profit etc.)
  • Financial performance (but not data exports) as far back as:
    • All Time
    • Limited Day Range: last () days
  • Everything available



What reports can (user) access?

  • No Reports Access
  • Technician Report Only
  • All Reports Access


RO Financial Settings

How can (user) modify the financial settings for customers on a repair order?

  • Edit Customer Labor Rate



The following permissions involve destructive and financially sensitive actions. Only the account owner can make these adjustments.

  • Delete estimates
  • Delete work orders
  • Merge customer accounts
  • Refund customer payments
  • Bulk delete Canned Jobs
  • Override discount limits
  • View/Edit payroll information

Deactivating Staff

End any open sessions and prohibit (user) from logging in again.