There are times where you may have to print off the RO itself or save a PDF version to your device. This article will show you how to perform both steps within Shop Manager.

To navigate to the print/share options within an RO, select the ellipses in the upper right corner and choose "Save or Print Job", as shown below:

Once the ellipses is selected, another screen will appear that will have you confirm what the print/PDF view should look like.
Here you will be able to choose to not include pictures in the print or saved view, as well as choose the types of information to appear. An example view is below:

Once you have the appropriate selections, now you will choose whether to 'Print Repair Order' or 'Save as PDF'

Printing the RO:

When choosing to print the RO, you will be provided with a print preview for confirmation and to adjust any print settings.

The GIF below provides a visual on how to print the RO:

Saving the RO as a PDF:

When choosing to save the RO as a PDF, the file will automatically get saved to your device, allowing you to open the .pdf within the browser of your choosing. 

The GIF below provides a visual on how to save the RO as a PDF: