This Week’s Release Includes the Following Enhancements:

  1. Recommendation Approval Capture
  2. Show Part Location and Status on RO
  3. CA BAR Approval Summary

Details for Each are Below:

Recommendation Approval Capture

When approving a recommendation in person, by phone, or by email, you now can capture the users’ information to track how the authorization occurred. In person, you can collect a signature from the customer. If you get approval by phone or email, you can track the email or phone number where the approval came from. This feature is opt in and you will have to enable it in your Shop Settings under RO Info.

For more information on capturing recommendation approvals, click here. 

Show Part Location and Status on RO

Parts statuses will now show directly on the RO. This will be visible to everyone so that you don’t need access to the toolbar in order to know if the part has arrived yet.

CA BAR Approval Summary

Shops can now print an approval summary that matches the exact format that the CA BAR looks for in their “Write it Right”. This feature was designed in collaboration with BAR reps for BAR compliance.

For more information on Shop Manager's CA BAR compliance, click here.