When ordering parts within an RO, (as long you have a part added to a service), you will see a dark blue 'Parts' button appear across the bottom of the screen. 

Refer to the image below:

After clicking on that 'Parts' button, a pop-up will appear within the screen. This 'popup' is what we at Shop Manager refers to as the 'Parts Summary Modal.'

Within this modal, you will see three statuses: Short - On Order for Stock - On Hand

Also notice in the upper left of the modal - you will see 'Parts Summary - RO # xxxx' as shown below.

  • Short - There are no parts in inventory or on order for the parts listed
  • On Order for Stock - There are parts that are currently on order for this RO
  • On Hand - You have the parts needed for the RO within your Inventory

As you may tell from the information above, that the Parts Summary Modal will show you the statuses/steps the part(s) on the RO will take in order to get to your parts Inventory and to be able to perform/complete the service. 

In the example, the part on the RO is in the 'Short' status - meaning I do not have this part in my inventory, nor does it seem to be on order to be received. This lets me know I need to do a parts order. 

NOTE: If you attempt to order any part(s) while the RO is in the 'Estimate' stage, you will receive the warning below.


Notice there are two buttons surrounding the part(s) that are needed: 'Order' and 'eComm'

  • If you have multiple parts on the RO that need to be ordered, you may initiate the order through the Parts Summary Modal by selecting the Vendor to order the parts from.
    • (if you "submitted a quote" through eComm for the part - the Vendor will be automatically recognized and selected).
  • Once you click on the blue 'Order' button - multiple options appear
    • Direct Order - selecting this with automatically place the order for the chosen parts - a purchase order will then be created and attached within the Parts Summary Modal
    • Find Parts - takes out directly out to eComm to search the parts using the part name
    • Stock Order - opens up eComm and will show you the parts that were 'quoted' on the RO - allowing you to move them back into your cart and finish the purchase. 
    • Phone Order - Create a manual order with the selected vendor now via a 'Purchase Order' modal that appears. (Note: If a 'Phone Order' is chosen, you will see green text indicating an ETA and time stamp.)


Once parts have been ordered, the parts will then move to the correct status within the Parts Summary Modal. 

When a part is 'On Hand for Stock' you will notice a blue link that appears on the right of the part line item - this link takes you directly to the Purchase Order for the part(s). Selecting the PO link will open up a new tab and take you directly to the PO within Shop-Ware. 

Once a part has been ordered and received within Inventory you will see the part(s) appear under the status of 'In Progress.' This means that the part is on a service within the RO and is in progress of being added to the vehicle.

Note that instead of a link to the Purchase Order within the 'In Progress' parts - it is now a link to the Purchase Record, which will open up in a new tab when selected.