
The Shop Manager Jobs in the Shop - Open Jobs page is a very valuable resource to use when wanting to view all currently open ROs in the shop. This page offers a variety of features such as sorting, filtering, and exporting. Continue reading to learn more.

Sorting Open Jobs

When viewing the Open Jobs page, you may need to sort the list by specific columns such as label, status, customer name, RO number, etc. To do this, simply click on the column title or the up/down arrow icon.

Click once to sort in ascending order, click again to sort in descending order, and click a third time to remove the sorting for that column entirely.

Filtering Open Jobs

There are times where you may need to narrow down your search in the Open Jobs list to only include ROs that match your specific criteria. You are able to filter most columns by selecting the filter icon, located directly to the right of the sorting icon, shown below:

Some column filters will have you enter in a specific date range, you may also select the calendar icon to pull up the calendar to choose the date and click 'OK' to confirm:

Other column filters will provide a checklist for you to choose what to include, allowing you to search through the list and reset what's been selected:

Exporting Open Jobs

You are able to export the open jobs list by navigating to the 'Export' tab in the upper right of the list. The report will generate based off what filters and sorting is currently applied, see image below.

Note: the ability to export is permissions based.

Additional Information

  • You can clear ALL filters and sorting by choosing the 'Reset All Filters & Sorters' button.
  • Should more ROs be opened while you're viewing the Open Jobs list, the 'Reload Open Jobs' button will light up, allowing you to refresh the list.