Table of Contents:

  1. Overview
  2. Navigation to Exports
  3. How to Export Reports
  4. Multi-Shop ‘Invoices’ Page View



This article will help explain the process of exporting the various reports within Shop-Ware, for both Single Shop Organizations (SSOs) and Multi-Shop Organizations (MSOs).


As of Product Release v11.03.0, the ways to export these reports have changed slightly to provide the ability for you to export data across any timeframe that was previously limited on the Invoices page. Prior, you would have navigated to the Reports tab then choose to export the reports on the bottom right of the page. 


Continue reading to learn more about what’s changed in exporting reports and viewing the Invoices tab.


Navigation to Exports

Staff members with the appropriate permissions will be able to navigate to the Reports tab > Exports to begin their export request. 




For more information on staff permissions to allow the ability to export reports, click here


How to Export Reports

  • For Single Shop Organizations, you will see the name of your shop for the export along with the ability to select the report and choose the date range. 


  • For Multi-Shop Organizations, you will be able to select a drop down to choose which stores to include in the file export. You may select all shops, a few, or de-select. 





Export Complete

An in-browser notification (growler) will appear once the export is completed. You do not need to stay on the ‘Exports’ page during the export process, the download will happen in the background so you may continue to work.



Multi-Shop ‘Invoices’ Page View

If you are a Multi-Shop Organization, you will notice some changes within the Reports > Invoices page. When viewing this page, you will only be shown data for the selected shop(s) from the dropdown, as illustrated below:



At the bottom of this page is the ‘Show Invoice List’ button - this button will only show you invoices for the current shop you are signed into/viewing. The Multi-Shop function is not available here at this time. 


To see other shops’ invoice lists, please use the switch shop option within your user icon, applicable if you are given access to more than one shop within your organization. 

For further assistance on the Invoices or Exports page, please contact support.