This week’s release includes the following enhancements:

  1. Draft Findings to be Able to Create a Proper Draft Note
  2. Hide Prices of Recommendations from Customer
  3. PDF/DVX Option to Show Findings in Context with Inspection Lines
  4. Update Parts Prices for Recommendations
  5. Notification for Recommendation Approvals
  6. Inventory Page Enhancements
    1. Quick Filters
    2. Show Stocked Items by Default
  7. Option to Show Past Recommendations on the Repair Order PDF View
  8. Visual Updates with Recommendations
  9. Company Setting to Enable 'Gender' as a Field within Customer Profile

Details for each are below:

Draft Findings to be Able to Create a Proper Draft Note

Shops can now create a note as a “Draft”, not yet allowing the customer to see it until they are ready to “Publish” the note.

This allows shops to easily understand what is visible and not visible to the customer as well as control the order of the notes that are shared out to the customer. This is done by publishing drafts in the order they want the notes to appear to the customer.


Hide Prices of Recommendations from Customer

Shops can now share inspection results with recommendations to the customer, but hide the prices. This allows shops to talk through the recommendations with the customer before showing the price. 



For more information on recommendations, click here.

PDF/DVX Option to Show Findings in Context with Inspection Lines

Shops can choose the preferred DVX presentation of inspection notes. They now can show up in context of the inspection for the car owner, which will allow them to have a clearer understanding of why services were recommended.


Update Parts Prices for Recommendations

Shops can now check parts prices for recommendations before adding the recommendation to the ticket, ensuring they charge the right price for the parts.



Notification for Recommendation Approvals

Service advisors will now receive real time notifications when a customer approves or declines recommendations. This accelerates response time, parts ordering, and technician dispatch.


Inventory Page Enhancements

  • Quick Filters - We Added the ability to quickly filter by Stocked, Special Order On Hand, Need to Order, and All Parts
  • Show Stocked Items by Default - When a user opens the inventory page, the ‘stocked’ filter will be selected by default, showing only parts


Option to Show Past Recommendations on the Repair Order PDF View

When printing an RO, users can now choose to show past recommendations so that customers can see their past recommendations for transparency.

Visual Updates with Recommendations

Through customer feedback, made some visual changes such as highlighting green a recommendation once approved, showing a notes icon instead of text, and adding the past RO number instead of just text.



Company Setting to Enable 'Gender' as a Field within Customer Profile

There is now a company setting to enable a Gender field option for customers which is turned off by default in the US.

This week’s release includes the following bug fixes:

  • Analytics: Fixed an issue where the Technician Report Card Hours in Detail report was missing ROs for some users as the date filter which was working inconsistently on this report
  • Fixed an issue where consumers of the API were not able to retrieve shop supplies values when they were calculated as a percentage of parts