Recommendations within an RO will appear differently on smaller devices vs. larger devices. Smaller devices can be defined as a mobile phone, tablet, or netbooks (mini-laptops). This user interface change is to ensure that recommendations on smaller screens can be viewed, added, and/or edited with ease.

Refer to the images below for an example of what recommendations will look like within a tablet view, vs a smaller, mobile view.



Within the tablet view above, you will notice the following about how the recommendations are displayed:

  • Actions are collapsed in the recs3.png menu to the right of the approval status.
  • Dates of the recommendations do not appear.
  • The price refresh icons are in line with the price of the recommendation.



NOTE: You cannot re-order recommendations within the 'Mobile' view like you can within the 'Tablet' view. This allows us to better utilize the space on smaller screens.