Table of Contents

  • Setup - Step 1Account Creation
  • Setup - Step 2: Merchant Connection
  • Setup - Step 3: Terminal Connection
  • ProcessingRepair Order UI 
  • Processing - Taking and Receiving Payment  
  • Processing - Error Response Management
  • Processing - Refunds/Voids
  • ReportingUser Interface



This document describes the integration between the Shop Manager point-of-sales application and CardConnect payment processing technology. The purpose of this document is to illustrate the end-to-end functionality, the user experience, and reporting features.

The integration includes 3 primary components: 

  1. Account and terminal setup by location

  2. The user interaction required in the Shop Manager interface to send a payment amount to a payment processing terminal

  3. The reporting and data captured, stored, and sent for each transaction. 

These requirements describe the MVP scope for the integration intended to support the CardConnect partnership, Go to Market, and use by general accounts. 


Setup - Step 1: Account Creation

  1. An existing repair shop subscribed to Shop Manager by Identifix contacts CardConnect to create an account:


    2. If you already have an account, contact your account representative about the next steps.

  2. CardConnect will issue a “Merchant ID”.

    1. Terminals are configured for the Merchant ID by CardConnect.

  3. CardConnect will send terminals to the repair shop location.

  4. A user with appropriate permissions will submit the Merchant ID and Terminal info in Shop Settings (details in Step 2, below) to make the connection and begin processing payments.


Setup - Step 2: Merchant Connection

  1. Find the “Merchant” tab within Shop Settings

  2. A staff member with appropriate permissions will click the 'Activate' button under the CardConnect setup section.


  1. A Merchant ID setup modal will appear once 'Activate' is selected:


  1. Enter in the Merchant ID, API Username and API Password (as issued by CardConnect)

    1. These are credentials specific to CardConnect; they are not a user’s Shop Manager credentials.

  2. Then select to “Activate CardConnect”

  3. The modal will not close (submission pending) while the account connection is confirmed. 

    1. The Shop Manager backend will confirm the merchant credentials via CardPointe Gateway API, including:

      1. Message sent

      2. Failure response

      3. Success response

  4. Failures will trigger an error message in the modal:



  1. Successful connection will close the modal.

  2. You should now see the Merchant ID listed under the CardConnect setup area in Shop Settings.

    1. “+ New Terminal” button appears to connect terminals


  1. Clicking on the Merchant ID text (blue) allows staff to update ID and credentials in a modal:


Setup - Step 3: Terminal Connection

  1. Select the button to add a new terminal

  2. A Terminal setup modal is presented:


  1. The modal displays a drop down menu first, of terminals pre-configured with the accounts Merchant ID (via CardConnect).

    1. If you do not see any terminals to select, contact CardConnect.

    2. You may also search for terminal ID at the top of the drop down menu, if the list is excessively long:


  1. Enter in the Terminal “name” (to identify and select it from the RO page)

  2. Enter in a “Terminal ID” or TID as well, but this is not required.

    1. If this information is unfamiliar, you likely aren’t using CardConnect’s advanced reporting. Simply leave the field blank.

  3. When finished, select to “Connect to Terminal”

  4. The modal will not close (submission pending) while the terminal connection is being confirmed

    1. The Shop Manager backend will confirm the terminal connection via the “Bolt” API

    2. Failure or timeouts will trigger error messages in the CardConnect terminal modal


  1. Successful connection will close the modal.

  2. The configured terminal now appears in Shop Settings with the name, serial number, device ID, and connection status. 


  1. Additional terminals can be added at any time (same workflow as above).

    1. Already configured terminals will be excluded from the dropdown list when adding a new terminal.


Processing - Repair Order UI

  1. On the Repair Order, with at least one terminal configured, the "Terminal" payment method is selected by default

    1. When “Terminal” is selected, the “Post Payment” button is replaced by the “Send to Terminal” button

  2. If only one terminal is configured, that terminal is automatically selected in the drop down

    1. The “Send to Terminal” button will be inactive until a target terminal is selected.

  3. Once a terminal is chosen and used, that terminal will be selected by default on the next RO (until a different one is selected). 

    1. In other words, a staff member’s default terminal will always update to the last one used, for convenience.


Processing - Taking and Receiving Payment

  1. When viewing the Payment section at the bottom of the page:

    1. The selected payment method selected should be "Terminal"

    2. When "Terminal" is selected, choose one of terminals that have been configured.

    3. Enter in the desired payment amount.

  1. After choosing the “Send to Terminal” button, the button will indicate there is an in progress connection being made to the terminal.


  1. The Shop Manager backend lights up the terminal via the 'Bolt' API.

  2. Th amount entered in the Payment box on Shop Manager now appears on the Terminal to process.

  3. A card to process the transaction to will be swiped/inserted (depending on the card).

  4. The transaction is then processed. Below explains how this process works:

    1. Connection between the terminal and CardConnect Cloud is created

    2. Any management of timeouts/errors on the device is handled by CardConnect Cloud

    3. A success/decline/error is sent to the Shop Manager platform via a response from the Bolt API

      • The button appearance will then reset to “Send to Terminal” upon a page refresh/reload.

      • If successful, and the webpage session has not been interrupted, Shop Manager will update the RO dynamically with the posted payment.

      • If the payment is processed after an interruption, refreshing the page will show the results of the transaction.

  5. When payment is posted:

    1. The payment details will post in the Grand Total box. Details include:

      1. Transaction date and time

      2. Payment method = “Credit Card via Terminal”

      3. Payment amount

      4. First two and last four digits of card

      5. Name on the card

      6. Transaction ID

  1. All payment transactions will post to the Job's Log.

  2. If a payment is declined, Shop Manager RO messages will appear:

    1. The “Waiting for Terminal” button UI will return to “Send to Terminal”

    2. A message appears in box regarding payment failure

    3. If no payment is posted, no change is made to Grand Total area

    4. No invoice will be emailed (if the checkbox is selected).


Processing - Error Response from Terminal

  1. If the terminal has an error, a transaction is cancelled, or the Bolt API fails to respond, the following messages can appear:

    1. The “Waiting for Terminal” button UI will return to “Send to Terminal”, and the spinning icon goes away.

    2. There are message alerts regarding connection error

      1. Different errors are available depending on the CardConnect scenarios



Processing - Refunds

  1. Ability to refund or void transactions can be found in Security permissions for each staff member as “Refund customer payments”

  1. A staff member with appropriate permissions to refund transactions will view an RO with at least one existing terminal transaction:

    1. A link to “Refund this transaction” appears under the Terminal recorded transactions

      1. Voids are the equivalent of refunds made prior to closing the batch.

    2. Staff members without the appropriate permissions above, will not see these links.

  1. When a staff member selects to refund a transaction:

    1. A confirmation modal appears

    2. A refund can only be exact amount of the previously processed and confirmed transaction via terminal, directly back to the same card.


  1. Upon clicking refund, the request is submitted to the CardConnect API.

    1. Th modal will remain open with spinning icon until confirmation is returned by CardConnect.

  1. Any timeouts/errors will surface a notification in the modal; the spinning icon goes away; and the button restores to the “Refund Transaction” action, to try again as needed.


  1. When the refund is successfully returned from the CardConnect API, the modal will close and the refund details will post to Grand Totals.

  1. The RO Log will also show the refund details.




Reporting - User Interface

  1. Payments processed through a CardConnect terminal will appear in their own batch on the Invoices page, under “Credit Card via Terminal (CardConnect)”

  2. This is the same area as all other RO payments under the 'Reports' tab:


  1. Staff with appropriate permissions to view exports may export the 'Customer Payments' report.

    1. Payments processed through a terminal will appear with “Credit Card via Terminal (CardConnect)” in the 'Payment Type' column.

    2. Refunds appear as negative payment amounts.

    3. The terminal nickname and ID present on payment transactions (not refunds) are shown to cross-reference device batch details.