Reason for Customer Visit Notes 

Table of Contents:

  1. Summary
  2. Where are the new fields located?
  3. Can the Customer See This Information?
  4. Will I Have to Enter This Information Every Time?


We added a feature within an RO that now captures the reason why the customer is walking in as well as the primary use of that vehicle. This can be important because this is usually the first step in a process after a customer walks into a shop. These fields will be located in a very clear area for advisors and managers to view and adjust within the RO.


Where are the New Fields located?
They are located within an RO just below the customer and vehicle area.

The names of these two new fields are: “Reason for customer’s visit” and “Primary Use of Vehicle.” 

Can the Customer See This Information?

This information will be passed to the customer via the PDF (when the shop shares it) and through the Customer View (DVX). We will only show these fields to the customer if you have filled them out.


Will I Have to Enter This Information Every Time?

No, you do not have to enter this information. They are both optional fields. The vehicle use will be carried to the next repair order for the customer/vehicle combination.