Remote payment is a function that allows your customers to pay their bills online. To enable this, you must first have a 360 Payments account. 

In this article we will explain how to use this valuable function


  1. Activating Remote Pay (Available Through 360 Payments)
  2. Using Remote Pay



#1 - Activating Remote Pay

Shops using 360 Payments will see a new option on their Merchant configuration settings:


    When you click "Activate" you will be asked for your Remote Pay credentials.  You need to get these credentials from 360 Payments.  As of this release, getting your credentials requires:


  • Contacting 360 Payments
  • Being a customer of 360 Payments
  • Enabling and paying for the additional Remote Pay service (also known as the Velox eComm gateway, or commonly "Text-to-Pay")
  • Once the service is on, having 360 share your credentials (the API and Tokenization "Security Keys")


NOTE: Our Remote Pay feature allows customers to pay for their services via the repair order, shared through any means you wish: email, text, or sending the link to the repair order another way.



Once you have your credentials, click the Remote Pay "Activate" button and submit your info:

    Assuming you copied your API keys correctly from 360 you are good to go: the page will show "Connected" and you can start gathering payments remotely!

    You can disable Remote Pay at any time. When you submit the confirmation modal, Remote Pay will no longer be available to customers visiting Invoices with a balance due.  You can reenable anytime.

#2 - Using Remote Pay

    Once enabled, Remote Pay will be available on any Invoice in that shop with a balance due.  It is not available on estimates or work orders.  It is not available on Invoices that are fully paid.

Any time you share an RO with a customer, you have the option of editing the default copy.

For email, the default is:

For text it's:

You may customize this copy in the email or text message before sending.

When a balance is due on an invoice, and you share the RO with the customer (or they revisit an existing link), they will see a "Checkout" option for both desktop and mobile views of the repair order:

The checkout procedure is customized to Desktop and Mobile view.  This example covers the mobile workflow.

The checkout page has three sections: a Billing Summary with Balance Due, Payment Information, and Billing Information.  These fields do support AutoFill.

All fields are required and the customer will not be able to submit their payment without them. Error messages will appear for missed fields to assist. These requirements also ensure the lowest fees.

NOTE: By default the 360 Payments Velox portal does not require that the CVV code match the one on the customer's actual card.  Contact 360 to help make sure your settings are enabled for highest security and lowest fees:

    Once all fields are entered the customer may click "Submit Secure Payment".  Errors with payments will not submit the form.  They can update their payment information and try again.

A successful transaction graduates the customer to a success page, along with a link to return to the Repair Order:

When they arrive back at the repair order, they see the bill is fully paid, along with the transaction details:

    If they have an email address entered, they will receive the customary electronic invoice and payment confirmation, same as the staff side workflow.

 The RO will show the job as paid:

...and it will appear in green on the Closed Jobs page. This allows you to track whether a job is good to go, or is still pending payment.



  • Everything green is fully paid and ready to roll (remote pay or otherwise).
  • Everything white needs to drill in to understand the payment status.

This page updates in realtime if you want to watch or check on payment status: no growlers or email notifications needed.