Shop Manager allows a shop to ‘Request a Down Payment’ on an Estimate or Repair Order. A down payment can be a specific amount, a percentage %, or you may request the whole total of the RO (including taxes and fees).

Down payments can only be requested when the RO is open and there is a remaining unpaid balance. If an RO is "Closed" with a balance still due, it may be re-opened and have a Down Payment requested. 


Creating a Down Payment Request

  1. While in a Repair Order - scroll down to the payments section
  2. Click the ‘Create Request’ button in the ‘Post Payment’ area
  3. Select the radio-button for % Rate or Specific Amount then click the ‘Create Request’ button. If you wish to create a request for the total RO amount, you can select 'Specific Amount' and enter in the total you see in the down payment request screen. 
  4. Once the request is created, you will see the pending request in both the 'Post Payment' section and the Summary section. You may also choose to cancel the request, if needed, however you are unable to 'change/edit' an existing requestdownpayment3.png
In the Customer Share DVX feature, the down payment appears in the Financials section as shown below.