There are 3 scenarios in which you are able to delete jobs. These jobs must take the form of: 

  1. An open estimate
  2. An open work order
  3. A closed work order that had no payment


*Important: An RO that is closed and has payment posted on it cannot be deleted. 


Deleting an Open Estimate


  1. Open the estimate
    1. From the Calendar View tab, find the estimate and click on the underlined customer name. This will take you into the estimate. 
    2. Search the customer name in the Customers tab. Scroll towards the bottom of the page to find the active estimates
  2. Navigate to the vertical ellipses in the top right
    Select “Delete Job” from the drop down menu




Deleting an Open Work Order

  1. Open the work order
  2. Navigate to the vertical ellipses in the top right
  3. Select “Delete Job” from the drop down menu

Deleting a Closed Work Order with no Payment

  1. Find the closed job either in the “Closed Jobs” menu or by searching for that customer’s name
  2. Reopen the job
  3. Navigate to the vertical ellipses in the top right
  4. Select “Delete Job” from the drop down menu