The Workflow tab of the Jobs In The Shop page provides an illustration of where each job is at in the workflow process. Technicians will appear across the columns at the top, advisors will appear as columns below.

There is a distinction between the two by a gray line that separates the advisors from the tech. (if you have many techs listed, you will see the line under the scroll bar)
This line can be dragged and adjusted to your liking by hovering over it then click and drag.


In the top right of the Workflow tab, under the blue 'New Estimate' button there are two icons that appear that you are able to toggle between. Shop View and Personal View.


Personal View (icon with one person) displays only those jobs to which the staff member is assigned.
Shop View will display all the work in the shop.


Card Descriptions and Locations

Card location is determined by The Expeditor (whoever is "holding" the job at that time.)

Technician cards have three states they can be in: active, inactive, and in transfer. These states will be indicated by the color of the card.

  • Active cards are white, showing the current job in progress.
    • Indicates when a technician is clocked onto a service.
  • Inactive cards are gray.
    • This allows you to easily tell which job a technician is working.
  • Cards in transfer have either a red border, or a shadow background



  • Due out times will appear on the right of the Job Status. The number will be red if time has passed.
  • The cards show will show parts status such as none, in progress, needed, and ordered.
  • All cards update real-time, to monitor what is happening throughout the day. 

Refer to an example diagram below:


Notes on Functionality:

  • You are able to transfer jobs by dragging-and-dropping, using the 6 dot icon in the upper left of the card, as shown in the previous diagram.
  • You can change the order of the technicians and advisors on the page.
    • Go to User Icon ⟶ Shop Settings ⟶ Staff and move them up and down the list to rearrange.
