DVX™ is the name given to Identifix's all-new user interface. It stands for Digital Vehicle Experience. This system is a giant step forward from existing Digital Vehicle Inspection systems.

More than just a checklist or place to upload files, DVX™ is a comprehensive solution, incorporating messaging, file-sharing, recommendations, approval processes, and payment all in one, familiar interface. What the customer sees is very similar to existing eCommerce platforms, (e.g. food delivery apps and whatnot). 

At the time of this writing, the staff interface will look as always. In the next few months, updates to DVX™ will include a new shop-side view as well. Updates planned in Q2 include:

  • Completely new staff-facing interface
  • Dedicated “customer states” field
  • Ability to associate findings between services, with services, and with inspection items
  • Findings able to be set as internal-only (not customer facing)
  • Recommendations able to be batched by group, priority, or one sum total

Let’s run through a simple example and see what it looks like.

In the first image below, we see a typical repair order for Mr. Power’s Subaru. He made an appointment for a warning light inspection because the MIL has been on lately. The service advisor creates an estimate, and shares it with Mr. Power for pre-approval. 


DVX A.png

Mr. Power opens the link on his phone, and approves the estimate before bringing the car in.


DVX B.gif

When he arrives, all the service advisor needs to do is document the odometer reading, and collect the car keys. Quick and easy, Mr. Power is off to his own day’s business.

The technician inspects the car, and finds a failed knock sensor. A note is written along with a recommendation.


DVX 1.png

The RO is again shared with Max. He sees there is a recommendation, and a note to read. Max clicks on the notes button, and approves the recommendation. 

DVX C.gif

Returning to the Staff View, we can see the recommendation is now approved. 


DVX 5.png

Next we decide to send Max a message about the timing of the repair. We open Messenger and send along a note. Max now sees a red badge on the Messenger icon, informing him of a new message.


DVX 6.png

He opens the Messenger box and we have a short discussion. Illustrated in the GIF below are both views of the RO. On the left is the shop view, in full-size mode, and on the right is the customer view, in cell-phone mode. Messages are sent in real-time, with little to no lag (depending on available service). 


DVX D.gif


Once the job is finished the RO is closed, and the invoice shared with Max. He then reviews it, and pays for the service, all on his phone. 


DVX E.gif

Finally, Max collects the car, and the RO can be marked Picked up. Max has had a car repair experience like no other, is impressed, and tells the world about your shop. 


As noted above, there will be many further improvements to DVX™ in the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned for these exciting changes!