This Week’s Release Includes the Following Enhancements:

  1. 360 Payments: Partial Refunds
  2. Tenant Setting for Tire Reporting (Delayed from Last Release)
  3. New Permission to Allow Users to Reopen ROs on the Same Day
  4. Lock Titles on RO from Canned Jobs

Details are Below:

360 Payments: Partial Refunds

You can now collect a partial refund from payments made through a 360 Payments Terminal or Remote Pay.

Tenant Setting for Tire Reporting

Deciding where tires report will now simply rely on a setting in your account settings. 

Selecting yes will mean that any inventory with a part type of Tire will have their own section on the RO Financials and Reporting. 

Selecting no will mean all part types will report to parts in RO Financials and Reporting.

New Permission to Allow User to Reopen ROs Same Day

Shop Manager now has a new ‘Repair Orders' permission under a staff member's profile, providing greater control over job modifications. This permission can be customized to either allow team members to reopen jobs at any time, regardless of when they were closed, or restrict them to reopening only jobs that were closed on the same day.

In addition, Shop Manager has added a validation to ensure that you cannot set a future date on a job you are closing for the second time.

Lock Titles on RO from Canned Jobs

Shop Manager now gives you the ability to decide whether or not service titles from canned jobs can be edited. If enabled, your service titles will always match your canned job allowing you to easily report on a certain canned job’s performance. 

You can find this new setting in your Account Settings under Account Info.