This Week’s Release Includes the Following Enhancements:

  1. Ability to Exempt Shop Supplies from Tax
  2. Append Warranty to RO PDF
  3. Multi-Shop Reporting: Technician Report

Details for Each are Below:

Ability to Exempt Shop Supplies from Tax

Added the option to not have Shop Supplies taxed after hearing feedback from users that many states require shop supplies to be tax exempt. This can be done by going to the Shop Supplies setup within the RO Info section of Shop Settings and setting the taxable option to no.

Append Warranty to RO PDF

We have added the ability to have a warranty document sent to customers with their Invoice by allowing shops to upload a warranty PDF within their Shop Settings. When a staff member then exports an RO or when the Invoice is sent to the customer after payment, the warranty PDF will be automatically appended to the bottom of the existing RO PDF.

Multi-Shop Reporting: Technician Report

We are continuing on our journey to add multi-shop capabilities to our real-time reports by adding this filter to the Technician Report! Users will only have the ability to view the shops they have access to, and it will be defaulted to the logged in shop. 

Bug Fixes Since the Last Release:

  • Fixed an issue where the Tech Productivity report was missing technicians for some shops
  • Fixed an issue where recommendations were shifting in order when they were opened and viewed.