Mitchell provides parts and labor guides. This feature is similar to Shop Manager’s Estimator where the data provider is MOTOR. Shops with a Mitchell1 ProDemand subscription now have access to both knowledge bases: MOTOR and Mitchell1. 

With Mitchell1 connected to Shop Manager, users can:

  • Transfer maintenance information into a Shop Manager service
  • Transfer labor information into a service
    • Book time multiplier applies to labor times coming back from Mitchell1
  • Transfer parts and fluids information into a service

On the Shop Settings page, scroll down to the Mitchell1 Setup area, click Activate, and enter the same login and password credentials you use to login to ProDemand or ShopKey PRO:

Once your Mitchell1 account is connected, open an RO and use the “+service” button on the toolbar to launch the estimator modal and note the new Mitchell1 button:



Here’s how it works: once you’re on an RO, and you click “+ Service”, Mitchell initially tries to resolve the vehicle, or the user can enter additional information to resolve it. 

Once you’re at the Mitchell ‘Parts & Labor’ modal, you have the ability to search broadly and find Labor Operations. After making selections, clicking “Transfer” brings your selections back to the RO with associated notes for the labor line item (in ‘work’ mode), and labor time (in ‘edit’ mode). If you select something with multiple items, everything comes back into a single service.


If you’re working in the Mitchell maintenance tab, when you add both the labor and inspection items, and click transfer, the inspection details populate directly into a checklist on the service. Mitchell treats inspection items as part of a service (as opposed to a separate DVI), and because Shop Manager supports inspection items as part of services, we can present that checklist right within normal maintenance services. 

Fluids are treated like parts in Shop Manager when they come back from Mitchell. In the Part modal, the ‘description’ field is designated as ‘fluid’, and the ‘part number’ field is mapped to the entire description of the fluid. This info is useful in building estimates so you can see how much of the different types of fluid needed, even if you eventually swap out the specific fluid for what is generally sold out of your shop. 


In summary, if you pick labor and/or maintenance and/or fluids, it all comes back to Shop Manager and generates a service -- every time you click “transfer”.