Unlike local or server-based Shop Management Systems, the data in Shop Manager does not require daily backups. The account owner, or those with proper account permissions, have access to view and the ability to download the following CSV exports from the shop as needed.

By going to each of the following locations in Shop Manager you’ll be able to export most data directly from your account by date range. 

  • Customer Information 
    • Export of Customer & Vehicle information 
  • Unfulfilled Recommendations 
    • Export of Recommendations that have yet to be approved
  • Closed Sales 
    • Export of Repair Orders 
  • Customer Payments 
    • Export of Payment
  • Sales Tax Report 
    • Export of Sales Totals, taxed and untaxed, along with Taxes collected
  • Service Detail Report 
    • Export of every Service performed including totals of Parts, Labor, Sublet, Hazmat, and Billed Hours
  • Sublet Detail Report 
    • Export of all Sublet details on ROs, including Sell Price, Cost, and Invoice number
  • Parts Detail Report 
    • Export of Parts Sales per Repair Order, including Cost, List, Quantity, and Discount
  • HazMat Detail Export 
    • Export of all Hazmat and Fees sold per Repair Order

Please note: Vendors and Canned Jobs file must be requested from the Support team.