If you wish to offer a menu of fixed price services, Shop Manager recommends building a Canned Job with a universal parts kit. You will likely wish to make a few of these, for different tiers of service. For example, you may build a kit for synthetic oil services, and another for conventional, etc. 

As a demonstration, let’s build a routine oil service job to sell for $79.99 (+ tax). 


First, create a new part in inventory for the kit. List all the parts in the description field, and designate specific oil type and quantity in the Part Number field. Here we have used “LOF Kit:” for the Brand (including the colon); “Oil Filter, Drain Plug Gasket, and Factory Specified Engine Motor Oil” for the Description”; and “up to 5 Quart Capacity SYNTHETIC” for the. Part Number.    

Shop Manager renders these fields in this sequence, so this will make sense on the repair order. Set the cost to $0, and the list price to whatever you wish. Leave the Optimizer turned off, if you are using it. 

To determine the kit price, start with the total you want to reach and work backwards. Here, we plan to charge $79.99 for the job. We decided to charge $30 for the labor, so the kit price will be $49.99. We also want to allocate .5 hour for scheduling, so we’ll create a special labor rate for these jobs.


Next, build the service, adjust the labor rate, and add the parts kit. The Hazmat, Sublet, and Inspection items are treated as usual. If you are including fees, you will need to account for those in calculating your prices. 


Now save this as a canned job, applying to all cars. Be sure the labor rate is correct.


Now, when you add this job to an RO, you will need to add the actual parts used. Leave the kit in place and add the parts.


Now adjust the part prices to $0. 


When you are finished, the job package will look like this:


And there you have it. This will skew the individual parts price GP numbers, but your overall parts GP will be correct.