The Report Builder

Table of Contents:

  1. Summary
  2. Page Layout Key
  3. Create a Custom Report
  4. Edit a Pre-Created Report
  5. Exporting
  6. Finding Saved Reports



Report Builder allows for custom data discovery and visualization in the Analytics user interface based on your shop’s needs. When building, reports change dynamically with each click, enabling you to work with your data to find the most useful visualization.


Page Layout Key

Image Key

  1. Data parameter     ReportBuilderKey2.jpg (Facts represent quantitative data)
  2. Data parameter     ReportBuilderKey3.jpg (Metrics represent quantitative data)
  3. Data parameter  ReportBuilderKey4.jpg (Attributes represent qualitative data)
  4. Switch among different types of insights.
  5. Drag data from your Data Catalog to any active drop zone on the canvas to start creating your insight.
  6. Drag data from these zones back to Data Catalog to remove them from your insight.
  7. Create ad hoc metrics using basic arithmetic functions.
  8. Drag the Date or any attribute to the bar to filter your data, or click the filter button to select attributes from your insight.
  9. Recommendations help you modify your insight based on common usage patterns.
  10. Format your insight - change colors, modify axes, legends, and canvas.
  11. Navigate between steps or clear your insight.
  12. Save your insight.
  13. Export your insights into files for further analysis.


Create a Custom Report

This tool allows you to quickly drag and drop data to build custom reports, tailored to your business. Report builder uses the same data as the rest of analytics, and so will be exactly as up-to-date as anything else in analytics.

  • Create insights charts, graphs, tables and more
  • Slice/Filter the data
  • Change the way it is visualized

Begin by selecting the type of visualization you wish to create. Select from the box of available views (4). If you aren’t sure yet, use the default table setting.


Next, select the data parameters to use in your visualization. You can drag and drop from the Data Catalog (5) to any active drop zone in the building area.


Hovering over the question mark by any data point shows an explanation of that value.


Add metrics to slice and filter the data. Simply drag an available data point to the metrics box (6). You can then click the drop-down arrow to refine the metric


The Date value is very powerful. There are a lot of different dates in here, and you’ll want to be specific about which date you’re looking for and what level of granularity you want. Click the drop-down arrow next to “Date as” and select the date value you are looking for. Then use the “group by” option to select a range.

You can also apply a filter to the whole thing. For example, perhaps you wish to see what the highest value car makes are. Click the main filter button (8) and select Top & Bottom, and Make. Now trim the list to just the number of makes you are interested in seeing. You can select either the top or bottom of the range to view.


Finally, customize your visualizations (10) by formatting colors, x- and y-axes, legend and background style, then save the visualization (12). You can also export directly from here (13). 


Edit a Pre-Created Report
Another exciting feature is the ability to take existing reports and expand on them. Along with the release of Report Builder, we are re-designing the Analytics Overview page. While this is in development, it can all be found under Beta Releases. In this view, scroll down to the report you wish to manipulate, click the ellipses icon, and select “Explore from here”.


Then you can modify this report to find further details in your data.



To export any report created within the builder, ensure you are on the report you want to save. In the upper right of the report builder, there are three dots you may click on then choose to export as XLSX or CSV format.


Finding Saved Reports

When you save reports, they will be available in the Report Builder tab. Click the Open button to select.

