Purchase Order and Purchase Record Fees

Table of Contents:

  1. Summary
  2. Creating the Fees
  3. How the Fees are Recorded for Accounting Purposes
  4. Altering the Fees


There is the ability for users to set and manage additional fees on Parts Purchase Orders, and Purchase Records. This will help a user simplify their workflow when managing the above areas in ‘Parts’ that require such an additional fee.


Creating the Fees

To take advantage of this feature, a Shop Owner/Manager would need to navigate to:

  1. Shop Settings
  2. Parts
  3. Scroll down to ‘Configurable Purchase Order Fees’

Here, a user will be able to create those fees.

How the Fees are Recorded for Accounting Purposes

QuickBooks Online does not sync Accounts Payable, so these fees would not be noticed. Accounting Link does sync A.P. - which will now include these fees when present on Purchase Records.. 

An Accounting Link configuration will be required to manage syncing the fees to the connected Accounting Platform. If there are concerns, please contact Accounting Link support.


Altering the Fees

Fees can be added, removed, or edited on any of the following:

  • Purchase Order
  • Return Order
  • Purchase Record
  • Return Record

When partially receiving a Purchase or Return Order, all fees will be applied to the Record clearing fees on the remaining outstanding Order. 


There is no ‘fee history’ the most current set fee is what is recorded.