Shop Manager by Identifix has introduced a tire functionality that will allow users to identify, track, and manage tires separately from all other parts in the platform. 


Current List of Tire Functionalities:

  • A new “part type” field to identify and distinguish tires from other parts
  • A new 'reporting category' Field to separate tire sales from other parts
  • Part Type specific attributes for tires, allowing users to record and manage tire manufacturers, tire size (with additional sidewall info), and DOT/TIN number. 
**Note that there is no automatic registration of the DOT TIN numbers for tires.

  • View Tire sales totals and GP% separately from general Parts sales on the Closed Sales report summary in the Reports > Invoices areaTIRES5.png

  • Tire size details will be displayed on the Inventory table and within RO service line item summaries.

  • DOT/TIN# can be entered and displayed to the RO line item summary

  • Tire information included in Parts Details export

Coming Soon for Tires (expected for release in early Q3 2023)

  • Filter Inventory by Part Type
  • Bulk Update of Part Type and Reporting Category
  • Part Type can have specific GPO Behavior (on/off/off+exception)
  • Part Type eCommerce enhancements
  • And more! Stay tuned for more info