Managing Parts Outside of the Optimizer

To manage parts outside of the Optimizer, go to Parts → Optimizer → and scroll down to GP Exceptions. Use this option when you want to control and apply your own GP %, independent of what the Optimizer might suggest.


Create and Edit Groups with Special GP %

The Optimizer allows you to quickly and easily define “Groups” of parts GP exceptions. Groups enable you to identify similar parts that demand a different and/or consistent markup rate for special cases, while simultaneously running the Optimizer for everything else.


Setting up groups allows you to:


  1. Assign custom, consistent GP margins to certain groups of parts

  2. Control and edit the margin of all parts assigned to the group at once





Shop Manager provides three groups by default (Tires, Dealer, and 12v Batteries) for the sake of example.  You can rename them and/or change the percentages as you like.  You can also create new ones, custom to your needs. You can go back and update the names and the margins anytime.


Create a New Exception Group

Click on the + New Group button and you will see the following window. Let’s say you want to create a GP of 35% for all oil filters. Enter those values and then click on “Add Group.”




Once you add the new group, you will see it added to the GP exceptions list.





Once your groups are set up, return to the Inventory page to assign them to parts.  You can parts to groups individually, or in batches.  Each of these processes is explained next.



Edit Individual Parts to Add Them to Groups

When you edit an individual part and you turn the Optimizer OFF for that part, you will see the option to assign it to a group.  Select the group from the drop down menu.  





By default Shop Manager will sell the part at the group price OR the list price, whatever is higher.  If you want to use the group price only, just make sure the list price is less than the group price (or set the list price = 0).  


Once the group is picked, the bottom of the window will summarize the sell method and present the resulting sell price.


When you submit the changes, a part assigned to a group will display with its GP % in the GP column, and the percentage will be bold.



How to Bulk Enroll Multiple Parts into a Group

Using the search feature (by key terms, vendors, etc.), you can find and select multiple parts you wish to belong to a group.   As you select the individual parts, they will be put in a temporary "batch".  You can see the number of parts in the batch under the search box, as you go.  


In the following screen shot you can see that seven parts have been added to this batch. 


To bulk enroll the batch into a group, select the Actions button → Edit Pricing.






Once you click on Edit Pricing, this window will appear. You will have the option to turn the Optimizer ON or OFF for the batch.





If you turn the Optimizer OFF for the batch, the option to assign a group will appear, with a drop down menu with all the groups you have already set up:




Once you select the group (in this case "12v Batteries"), all of the parts in the batch will be set to sell no lower than the corresponding GP % (in this case 26%).  You can see the impact of the pricing changes to the batch of parts in the table underneath.




When you click “Continue,” you will see a confirmation window:




Once you confirm that you want this batch of parts to be assigned to the group, hit the “Update Parts” button and they will be processed and you will see this popup to confirm the parts price change.




To undo the group assignment at once, you can select the same batch, go to Actions button → Edit Pricing, and select no group.  You can also revert the Optimizer back to ON:




If you hit “Continue,” you'll once again see a confirmation window. If you change your mind, you can click on “Back to Pricing Options to return to the previous screen.

