1. Register Your Tool
  2. Working with the Program
  3. Posting requirements
  4. Tool Hookup
  5. How to Run a Pre or Post Scan


Shop Manager by Identifix integrates with one Bosch scan tool currently: ADS 625.  Pre and Post Scans performed on this tool will post to the associated work order in realtime, attributed to the tool instead of a staff member.

This is a time saver, an error-proof record taker, and a sophisticated method of communicating technical detail to your customers.

Step 1: Register your tool

Bosch scan tool owners should submit this form at the Bosch Diagnostics website .

In that form you will be asked to enter the Serial Number of your scan tool.

Serial Number Location

  • ADS 625 - Requires the Serial Number printed on the Handset

Once submitted, the number will be sent to us for configuration on your shop account.  This should take no more than 1 business day. We will respond to you to confirm that the registration is complete and you may start using the tool.


The submission will also notify Bosch that your tool will be configured with your account, for their reference.


Step 2: Working with the Program


Our software registers each scanner to a single shop location.  This is multishop compatible: scans will NOT post across locations for those accounts that have more than one.  The system knows which shop the tool belongs and will therefore only direct scan tool information to repair orders from that individual shop.


Once the registration is complete (Step 1), pre and post scans taken with the ADS will appear in the program. Specific requirements are listed next (Step 3).


Step 3: Posting requirements


In order for a pre or post scan to appear, the shop must have:


  • Their ADS registered (Step 1)
  • At least one in progress Work Order (not Estimate or Invoice) with the same vehicle getting scanned
  • On the Work Order, the vehicle's VIN is decoded
  • A pre or post scan run with a vehicle "Auto ID" (instructions below)


The Auto ID confirms the vehicle type by VIN, and the work order has the same VIN.  This is how the scan is directed to the correct Work Order.


If there is no Work Order with a matching VIN from the scan, the data will not post on the program.


Step 4: Tool hookup


Connect the ADS's Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) to the vehicle:





The VCI will show that it is connected to the vehicle and to the ADS tool.


On the ADS screen, confirm connection:


  • ADS to the VCI - White icon with green dot in lower RH corner
  • VCI to the vehicle - "Connected" with green dot in upper LH corner
  • ADS to wifi - Wifi cone in Android menu in upper RH corner





Step 5: How to run a pre or post scan


Quick guide:

  1. Select Vehicle
  2. AutoID
  3. Click "Read DTCs"
  4. Select All ECUs
  5. Click "Continue"
  6. Run and complete the scan
  7. Confirmation of upload appears at bottom of screen
  8. Scan appears on a Work Order in less than 60 seconds



Here are the steps with photos:


On the ADS menu, click "Select Vehicle" and then AutoID:










This will identify the vehicle by ECU programmed VIN.  Select whichever trim model for that VIN as necessary.


With the vehicle identified, select "Read DTCs":







On the ECU list, go to the upper RH corner and click "Select All" to select all ECUs.  







NOTE: Selecting all ECUs is what constitutes the scan as a so-called 'Pre Scan' or 'Post Scan': it's a complete view of all results on the vehicle at the time of the scan (before and after repairs).


Without all ECUs selected, the scan will not be sent to the program.


When all ECUs are selected, each ECU shows a check mark and the Select All button is dim:







Click "Continue" to run the scan:







While each ECU is scanned, any DTCs will appear under the ECU name and a progress bar will fill at the top:







When all ECU scans are complete, progress bar disappears and screen presents new selections.


Within seconds, a confirmation bubble will show at the bottom that reports were uploaded to the Bosch cloud:







The scan will appear on the Work Order in realtime once we receive the scan.  This usually happens within a few seconds.  It should not take more than one minute.


The note will include all DTCs and their descriptions, as well as all ECUs scanned with no errors, and those unable to scan.  


The note is attributed to Bosch with the time and date.


You may delete the note but you may not edit it.


The end of the scan is decorated with confirmation details: the tool used, the date, the VIN, and "Verified Unique" based on scan packet ID.  This eliminates concerns over duplication or fraud.


This info also presents on the printed PDF for customer reference.


You may run as many scans as you wish; they will each post to the repair order with fresh time/date details.


Once the vehicle's visit is over and the repair order becomes an Invoice, any additional scans to that vehicle will not appear. Either reopen the repair order or create a new one.