Zapier is a tool that allows cloud-based applications to integrate and interact with each other. Our software is now one of over 3,000 web applications that you can connect, in order to automate repetitive tasks. For instance, you can have a contact added on HubSpot every time a new customer is created, or have a repair order created when someone books a new appointment on Setmore.

*Note: HubSpot and Setmore are just examples, and are not affiliated with our program. You will need accounts with each of the services you use, in order for Zapier to integrate with your data. 

Application functions connected into a workflow are called Zaps. Zapier can respond to triggers, search for data, and take actions. The tools available vary between applications; with our software you have:

Application functions connected into a workflow are called Zaps. You set up the triggers and actions, and Zapier does the rest.


To begin, you first need to sign up with Zapier. Go to and fill in your info. You will start with a free account, good for up to five Zaps. Further subscription options can be found here:

*Note: Once you have an account, contact our integrations team for an API key and Secret (password). 

When you have the credentials, sign in to Zapier and navigate to My Apps 
 Add Connection.


A pop-up modal will open, where you can search for apps. Find our program name, and click on the icon.


This will then open a new modal where you can enter the credentials.


  • API Partner ID = the API key supplied by us
  • Secret = the password supplied by us 
  • Tenant ID = You unique software account number. This can be found by navigating to User Icon  Account Settings  API Connections.  


Making Zaps

Once the connection is made, you will see this page. There are three ways to start building a Zap. For detailed guidance, refer to this tutorial in the Zapier Help Center.

For example, maybe you wish to have Gmail send a welcome email when a new customer is created in the shop account.

...or, have a Repair Order generated automatically when an appointment is created on Setmore.

These are just two quick ideas. Integration with Zapier offers myriad possible time-saving solutions. What will you do with it?


 Further Support

Zapier is an integration tool created to help Customers and Partners link their applications.

 Our software team will provide support on the following:

  • Obtaining your credentials
  • Connecting your Zapier account to the program
  • Initial troubleshooting if a Zap is failing because of our program's error

*This support is included with your subscription. Please contact Support through this link for assistance. 

 Our software team does not provide support on the following as part of your subscription:

  • Creating a Zapier account/subscription
  • Connecting Zapier to other apps
  • Connecting other apps to Zapier
  • Creating Zaps
  • Troubleshooting Zaps where the error originates in an application that is not our program

Professional Services:
Our product team can provide guidance in connecting the software as an App in Zapier.

To have actual Zapier integrations built we suggest you contact a Zapier expert. They also have hundreds of pre-fab solutions, which you can find here:
Zapier experts can be found here:
The Zapier website also has significant online learning tools that can help you get started, including a Blog, Community Forums, Tutorials and FAQs, and instructional Webinars. Those can be found here: