This document will provide clarification and instructions on:

  1. How to process an over the counter part order
  2. Processing OTC part returns by reopening the old work order
  3. Processing OTC part returns by creating a new work order 


If you happen to be processing a lot of OTC part orders, we recommend either:

  1. Creating a new customer called “OTC Parts” with an older vehicle added to the profile
  2. Adding a vehicle called “OTC Parts” on the profile of the customer that’s purchasing parts.


Method 1 would allow you to track metrics in regards to OTC parts sales, and method 2 would make that data specific to those customers. 


It may also be beneficial to create new payment types such as "OTC Part - CC terminal" or "OTC Part - Cash". These can be added in the Shop Settings page under “Accounting.” 


OTC Part Orders

  1. Create a new service
  2. Leave the labor section blank
  3. Order the part
    1. Either through eCommerce integrations


  1. Manually enter the part information

Processing a Return: Reopening and amending the original RO

  1. Reopen the Repair
  1. Update the part quantity to 0 - be sure to notate the tax amount beforehand to save yourself a calculation
  1. Manually issue a refund on your cc machine
  2.  Post the credit and be sure to notate that this is a refund. You can either add sales tax into the total, or separate it into a line item under “Hazmats and Fees.”
    1. Similar to creating a payment type specifically for OTC parts, you can even create a payment type called “Refund” if you wish to track this in your reporting

  1. Upon closing the RO, you will be presented with a modal that allows you to keep the original date of the part purchase as the closing date of the return order.



Processing a Return: Open a new RO

If you are using this method, it’s important to remember that it will impact your RO and car count metrics, as it is creating an entirely new RO. 

  1. Open a new work order for the part OTC7.gif
  2. Edit the part price and convert it to a negative amountOTC8.gif
  3. Add negative sales tax in the final total or as a line item under “Hazmats and Fees.” Note: it must be added in as a positive amount, and then edited to be negative afterwards.
  4. Post the negative amount as a credit 
  1. Navigate to the parts screen to adjust the inventory of that SKU manually
