
A method on how to pay your technicians for work in progress is provided by using the "reporting" functions. This is not the only method, but it is a simple and straightforward approach that you can apply flexibly to your business. Using this process requires inputs of information from two sources and the use of one external tool, the Pay Period Hours Worksheet (template available or create your own).


The Pay Period Hours Excel Worksheet is available to download from the attachment

Setting Up the Initial Pay Period


Reports → Technician Report 


  1. Select the Pay Period you want to work with.
  2. Record the Billed Hours per technician from the Efficiency section of the Technician Report page.
  3. Record the Open Hours (a tech’s clock time on work still in progress) from the Productivity section of the Technician Report page.

Technician service time tracking must be enabled and in use. To enable time tracking, go to Account Info → Feature Options. Click on the option to “Enable technician time tracking." Techs will see pop-ups to clock in on individual services.

  • In order to factor them into the next pay period's calculation, you need to save Open Hours totals in the Pay Period Hours Worksheet.



Formula for Pay Hours


Each technician’s pay will be the sum of their recorded Open Hours and Billed Hours: the time on open and closed jobs in the period, respectively.


Pay Hours = Billed Hours (+) Open Hours (current period) (–) Open Hours (previous period)

Second and Subsequent Pay Periods

  1. For the second and all subsequent pay periods, you will again record the Billed Hours per technician from the Efficiency section of the Technician Report page.
  2. Likewise, you will record any Open Hours from the Productivity Report.
  3. The pay for the technicians is calculated again using the sum Open Hours and Billed Hours, for the new period’s open and closed jobs.


To accommodate the Open Jobs from the Prior Period, add this next step: Subtract the Open Hours from the Prior Pay Period to avoid double counting, because these hours are either converted to Billed Hours in the current period (or remain in the current open count).

Pay Period Hours Worksheet

Once you have obtained the Pay Period, Billed Hours, and Open Hours from the Technician Report—and subtract the previous balance of Open Hours (last period) to arrive at appropriate pay hours—enter them into the Worksheet.



Examples of How This Works


Including Open Hours in pay periods ultimately doesn’t matter over time because hours from previous periods are inherently corrected going forward, leaving the tech with whatever balance is currently outstanding. 


This is more fair than straight flat rate because it accounts for true time outstanding—no matter how large or small—in a manner directly related to the technician’s own time tracking actions. It also removes the pain of having to manage allocation of in-progress billed hours into payroll, on an RO by RO basis.


That said, if you are unfamiliar with this method, the math may not make sense at first. Here are examples of technicians with different efficiency levels:





Refer to the attachment to download the Pay Period Hours Worksheet.