
This document will provide clarification and instructions in how part COREs are created and managed. There are two separate methods for creating CORE parts, eCommerce (through automation) and Manually. How the CORE part is managed will depend on how it was originally created. We will describe both scenarios and their management here.


eCommerce CORE parts

eCommerce parts cores are created automatically by the eComm vendor. In this example we will find and create a part and its corresponding CORE from an RO through eCommerce partner PartsTech.

1. Enter ‘battery’ into the parts search and then “+” to launch an eComm session.

2. After clicking the "+" choose eComm

3. Now in PartsTech I see my choices for batteries - let’s just take this first one:

4. Add it to the Cart and click 'Proceed to checkout'

5. Click 'Submit Quote' if you're not sure you're ready to purchase it or 'Buy from this Supplier' if you're ready to do so.

6. Once the part has been transferred, you'll receive the growler message for confirmation.

7. Looking at the RO, you’ll see the battery has been returned to the line item.

8. Navigating to the Inventory page shows the most recent part at the top of the list:

9. You’ll see the part was added and also the corresponding Core. From this point you would handle the RO and receiving of the battery, etc. and once that work is completed, you will process the return of the Core.

Managing Part COREs


1. Visit the Inventory page.

2. Find the correct part through keyword search and/or filtering.

3. Select the part then select 'Actions'

4. Select 'Return'

5. Create the Return Order

6. You’ll notice the P.O. Number is defaulted to the date and time the Return Order is created. You can click into that box and update as you’d like:

7. You’ll see the Return here in the Orders tab:

8. Click the blue 'Receive' button to complete the process.

9. Add an Invoice Number which you’ll get from the Return Order of the actual part (in this case the battery core), add the payment type, and then click the green ‘Receive’ button:

10. Now in the ‘Purchases’ tab you’ll see the return.

Adding CORE parts to RO’s 

When adding CORE parts to the Repair order, please note that eCommerce created parts COREs are not surfaced in an RO parts search as they exist in a separate table from conventional parts in inventory.  If you wish to add a CORE part to an RO, it must be created manually. This may require manual manipulation of the quantity on hand for those parts to facilitate return orders.

Manually Created COREs 

To create a CORE part manually, you will follow the same steps as creating any other manually created part and identifying it as such. This can be accomplished by adding “CORE” as an addendum to the part number or description. Manually created CORE parts behave like any other manually created part and will require manually entry on PO’s, RO’s, Returns, and any other place where you would want to use or manage it. 

To create a CORE part to go with the actual part, you need to create a second part (which will be the CORE) that basically mirrors the actual part with a few minor differences. All fields should be the same including the stocking quantities, vendor, description, brand and part number. The differences are as follows:

    -At the end of the part number add a space and then “CORE” 

    -Under cost and list the same amount is entered in each field which is your cost for the core. 

    -You may also wish to enter notes in the actual part (ADD CORE WHEN ORDERING) and the core (stocking

      core) if this is a stocking part so when you place a stock order you will see the notes.

Part Detail view:

If you have items such as batteries that you stock but are not ordered through e-comm, you can create just one core part for all of them. Most battery suppliers charge the same core for all the batteries purchased with the exception of certain group batteries. There is a solution for that as well with just one core or you could create two separate cores for the different priced cores.


Sometimes you order a part from a supplier and they don’t tell you there is a CORE and the part shows up with the slip and now you have a slip that doesn’t match the purchase order you created.

How to fix that? No problem. There are two possible ways to handle this. The first may be the easiest if there is just one or two parts on the purchase order but if the order is quite large the second option will save you a lot of work.

Option one: Delete the currently open purchase order and recreate it with the parts and the CORES, now the purchase order matches the invoice.

Option two:

Step 1) Receive the order with just the parts on it (subtract the CORE cost off the invoice to make sure totals match).

Step 2) Create a new purchase order with just the CORE and then receive this CORE with the exact same invoice number. When these two orders transfer to QuickBooks through Accounting Link they will merge together. You will have line entries for every part and a line entry for the CORE as well and the total in QuickBooks will be the same as your invoice.

In the following example while we are not showing an invoice we will assume I have an invoice from Midstate Battery with a 51R60 battery for $79.50 and a battery CORE for $20 with an invoice total of $99.50. But we forgot to add the CORE on the purchase order. So we have created a second purchase order for the CORE and will receive both with the same invoice number.

Note that in the receive window the exact same invoice number has been entered in the invoice number field. This is very important. If the invoice number is long or has letters and numbers it may be easier to copy and paste the number from one to the next, this assures you that the number is exactly the same.